Beekeeping in the cruel, humid Houston summer is an experience: the bee suit, the sweat, the stinging insects, and now- a mask. It’s not for the faint of heart. Neither is this honey: jalapeno.
Introducing our jalapeno-infused honey, using locally grown jalapenos from Plant it Forward. This honey is full of flavor with a manageable jalapeno kick.
Plant it Forward is a Houston urban farm that trains and supports former refugees to grow their own farm businesses. They are a wonderful organization - please check them out and support them.
With both hot honey and beekeeping: when the heat meets the sweet, it makes all the sweat and pain worth it.
Expert Honey and Cheese Pairing
Drizzle it on a creamy blue cheese - a spicy perfect marriage!
Sweet Suggestions
We love this honey on pizza, brussel sprouts, squash and fried chicken. It's also a great addition to a hot toddy.
Holistic Helpers
Mix it with hot water and lemon to wake you up in the AM!
Honey Info.
Customer Reviews
Infused honey is the result of combining honey and high quality dried herbs or other dried ingredients, plus time, love, and patience. Once the desired flavor profile is reached, we carefully strain the added ingredients.
Creamed honey is a “controlled crystallization” that allows for small crystals to make the honey spreadable instead of the larger crystals of solid, unprocessed honey.